A view into the mind of Jason

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Sunday, March 23 2025 @ 07:09 MDT

Polls in System

Topic Voters Poll Created bararrowup Open for Voting
Elections 9 05/13 12:33 No
Which of the Ring Nebula images in this article do you like the best? 7 06/18 11:34 No
Would you support a Harper lead movement to eliminate elections? 19 06/18 11:29 No
What do you think Harper will do with Newfoundland and Labrador's request for money for hydro expansion? 6 06/16 12:25 No
Do you think that Harper's canceling of the long-form census speaks to: 13 02/03 09:34 No
If the death penalty were re-instated, which of the following penalties should be applied if someone is wrongly executed? 8 08/11 04:28 No
Do you support the formation of a coalition government to replace the Harper Conservatives? 26 05/05 05:20 No
Do you think the recent political crisis initiated by Stephen Harper is a Conservative prelude to the dismantling of the Canadian political system? 15 05/05 05:20 No
Do you think that Canadian Neo-Conservatives, through the Harper government, are out to destroy the fabric of Canadian society so that it can be rebuilt in a neo-con image? 18 12/01 04:18 No
Should the opposition force a federal election right now? 16 04/06 12:08 No
Which of the following Prime Ministers is/was the most arrogant? 28 07/31 03:33 No
If the election were held today, who would you like to see as prime minister? 31 06/26 06:34 No
When should the opposition pull the plug on the Harper Government? 12 02/27 01:06 No
How would you rate the Harper Government's performance to date. 22 12/06 11:27 No
Which of the following do you think is true? 11 10/30 07:51 No
Do you think Bill Gates is the antichrist? 9 09/20 09:55 No
Which federal leader do you think should be prime minister? 12 04/24 12:49 No