A view into the mind of Jason

Welcome to Evilness
Friday, March 28 2025 @ 05:45 MDT

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What A Storm!

Crünchy ToastThis past weekend I was out at the Starland Recreation Area to do some observing. While napping on Sunday I awoke to the sound of thunder. I had just enough time to batten down the hatches (about 3 minutes) before an intense thunder storm hit. Winds upwards of 100 km/h and sheeting hail pummelled the campground for about 30-45 minutes (video after the cut).
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Been busy....

Crünchy ToastOk, so it's been a while since I've done any blogging, basically I've been busy. Between papers due at school, server and system upgrades at work and a busy 15 month old, I've just been too wiped to do any serious blogging. I'm looking forward to doing more in the months to come so once I get back in the "zone", there will be much more blogging to come.. :) Though on a personal note, as of the 1st of November, I'm officially a veteran.
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School Days

Crünchy Toast

School has started again for me in both senses, school as work as a teacher, and school as student. Work is as it always is, work. Enjoyable and rewarding work for sure but I'm not one of those people who define themselves by their job so it's not everything to me.

School is going well. I am half-way through my program so six courses down, six to go. I have two this term. One is on tools of astronomy, so telescopes, sensors and so on. The other is very cool, a research course on computational astrophysics.

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Sleeping in

Crünchy ToastWhy is it that when I have to get up at 6 a.m. for work, the baby sleeps in till 7, and when I can sleep in till 7, the baby gets up at 5:45 a.m.? One of life's eternal questions.
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You know your baby is cute when....

Crünchy ToastHe makes page B1 in the Herald... Not bad for Simon's first trip to Battle of the Atlantic ceremonies.

Photo after the cut.
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Jamaica blogging

Crünchy ToastSo Mrs. Evil and I are currently spending our second last night in Jamaica. We arrived here on Monday and will return to Calgary where it's currently not the 26 C it is here in Ocho Rios. So far the stay has been relaxing. The Sandals resort here has many restaurants, each serving excellent food. We took a trip to Dunn's River Falls which was cool as the tour has you climb the falls (along with many of the local teenagers who apparently are also on spring break).
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Lights finally up

Crünchy ToastI finally had the time this evening to put the lights up for the holiday season. There were first baby related delays followed by the -30ish cold. Since a Chinook has rolled into town, the lights are finally up! Photo below the cut.
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It's cold outside...

Crünchy ToastIt's currently -27.6C outside my house... It's not making it any easier to get ready for work...
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Personal update

Crünchy ToastAs one can see, until recently there hasn't been a lot of posts here because, well, I've been busy. With the birth of our child things have been hectic here at Castle Evil and combined with coursework there just wasn't enough time to do things such as blogging. Now with the term over and Simon settling down into a routine, I am able to have more time to do some blogging and other hobby things.
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Vacation's End

Crünchy ToastWell, my vacation's over. School has started again in the work sense and in the university sense. Ahh well, no vacation lasts forever, it's what makes them precious. We did manage to get out though. Five days at Two-Jack lake in Banff National Park. Then a couple of days at home before I headed out to the RASC Calgary Centre's Star-BQ.
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