A view into the mind of Jason

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Friday, March 28 2025 @ 05:52 MDT

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Can Canadian Conservatives survive their own leaders?

Canadian PoliticsDuring the "freedom" convoy, Canadian conservative leaders such as Pierre Polievre were falling over themselves to not just show support for the protesters, but be seen with them in the press and social media. Now at the time Polievre was busy running for the leadership of the federal Conservative party and showing that boosted his anti-Trudeau street cred.

We saw the same play out in Alberta with Danielle Smith. Now based on her radio show, Smith was pretty much already in the protester's camp before running to replace Jason Kenney so it was easy for her to use those people to basically hijack the UCP from whatever moderate conservatives were left after Kenney's reign.
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So you're quoting The Rebel

Canadian PoliticsSeeing people quote Levant's Rebel as a news source is both amusing and scary. As a news source it's on the level of the Weekly World News. A little background.

I went to university with Ezra (whether or not he remembers this I don't know, but he blocked me on Twitter and I've never interacted with him once there). Even back then everyone knew that if he gave you the time of day you'd require independent verification of that. Heck it was funny as hell watching his own sister's eyes roll into the back of her head any time he opened his mouth.
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March 'em to the trains.

Canadian Politics

This is the story, the story of a boy who was born in Canada to parents who were naturalized citizens of Canada. A boy whose only citizenship and only country he ever new was Canada. A boy whose family had been Canada 30 years and a country he had lived in his entire 11 years. A boy whose citizenship was removed from him (making him stateless) for the crime of being the wrong race under the guise of security.

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Why Senate reform will never happen under Stephen Harper's watch.

Canadian Politics

Rumours abounded today when the National Post reported that Stephen Harper would be announcing a call to abolish the Senate. Turns out Harper was just announcing that he wouldn't appoint any more senators at this time. The rational given for not appointing new senators is to force the provinces to play ball.

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Is Harper spooked?

Canadian Politics

It hit the news today that Stephen Harper has decided that he will not participate in a nationally televised debate but only in a few select debates with what can be described as "Conservative friendly" media outlets. Given the timing of this announcement one wonders if the recent election of the NDP in what has generally been an overwhelmingly Conservative province of Alberta has spooked Dear Leader.

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What happened in Alberta?

Alberta PoliticsSo at the end of Tuesday's provincial general election we have ended up with a majority NDP government. This is in line with what the polls had been saying for a week though still a shock in a province that hasn't voted for a non conservative party for 82 years. This has left progressives in a state of exuberance and conservatives in a state of panicked shock.
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What a shock, anti-Islamic rhetoric causes radicalization…

Canadian Politics

It would seem that CSIS thinks that ramping up the anti-islamic rhetoric plays into the hands of the terrorists. CSIS also suggests that there's a larger domestic terror threat from far-right racist groups than from the Islamic population. This makes one wonder why all the anti-Islamic rhetoric from Stephen Harper and his government and practically nothing on the larger threat.

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That didn’t take long.

Alberta Politics

Back here I opined about the fact that Danielle Smith was basically done as Wildrose Party Leader. I figured that there would be a leadership review, the far right of her party would revolt and demand a far right leader and Smith would end up riding off into the sunset. Well things happened much faster than I thought and despite no leadership review it would seem that Smith and 8 of her fellow Wildrose MLA’s will head their own party off at the pass and head on over to the government benches.

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Ezra Levant loses a libel lawsuit, again...

Canadian Politics

At this point it's probably safe to say serial libeller Ezra Levant has been ordered to pay $80000 to a lawyer Ezra called "illiberal Islamic fascist”. Now this wasn’t Ezra’s first time in front of a judge for libel, as he was ordered to pay $57000 in another libel case he lost.

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Stick a fork in Danielle Smith…

Alberta PoliticsShe’s done… With two more of her legislative caucus leaving, this is only the latest hit to the Wildrose party under her leadership in recent months
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