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Welcome to Evilness Are we nearing the end of Microsoft dominance?
There was a time when you could say with certainty that over 90% of all personal computers used Microsoft Windows as an operating system. Some figures give as a high water mark 97% of Windows use. The question is, are these numbers still sound? A look at my server logs here at castle evil shows that only 80% or so of the visitors here use some form of MS Windows. So why is it that the media report higher numbers?
Who's in opposition?
Someone needs to clue Stephen Harper into the fact that he's the Prime Minister and not the Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. So far this week we've seen the debut of Tory ads attacking the Liberal record and in question period, the Tories doing the same thing. These are all things opposition parties do to shed doubt on a party's ability to govern. Unfortunately for the Conservatives, they're the government and when a governing party does this, all it does is make them look desperate.
More Harper Hypocrisy.
What ever happened to prime ministers being prime ministerial? Yesterday Stephen Harper issued an apology to Maher Arar for Canada's part in his rendition and torture in Syria. All well and good, except that in his letter to Mr. Arar, Harper blames the previous government for not doing enough to help Arar.
Memes Ahoy!
Which famous feline are you?
You're Hobbes. First of all, the makers of this quiz would like to congratulate you. You have our seal of approval. You are kind, intelligent, loving, and good-humoredly practical. You're proud of who you are. At the same time, you're tolerant of those who lack your clearsightedness. You're always playful, but never annoying. For these traits, you are well-loved, and with good cause. Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Wheat Board Question Announced
In an announcement today, federal Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl has announced the three choices barley producers will have in the upcoming plebiscite on the future of the Canadian Wheat Board. Note, at the time of writing this post, the link to the announcement doesn't show anything, I heard the announcement on the radio. The interesting thing is the three choices. They seem like the choices I'd pick if I wanted any changes to the CWB to fail.
Is Washington dictating Canadian Foreign Policy?
China has just tested an anti-satellite weapons system. This test means that not just the Americans and Russians can take out someone's satellites. The Americans, of course, are incensed about this. Now as I was perusing the Calgary Herald at work today I noticed in the article reporting on the test (Calgary Herald, Friday 19 January 2007, Page A7) that the United States had not only announced that they were very upset with the Chinese about this, but that Canada and Australia were on side with the US. The article went on to state that Canada's new government had yet to announce it's stance on the test, but was likely to echo Washington's position.
Harper between a rock and a hard place?
A perusal of the news over the past few days has the Tories scrambling to be the new saviors of the environment. I think this article on the American desire to increase tar sand production may cause the wheels to fall of the Conservative attempt to look greener. It's a double whammy with both the oil industry and the Bush government pushing for more oil-sand production, up to 5 times the current level. This could hurt both the federal and provincial Tories if it's not played carefully by both.
A bunch of little things have been bugging me this past week. Nothing large in of itself, but small things that just drive me mad (a short drive, to hear some say). First is the service department of the car dealership that takes care of Mrs. Evil's car. Next is the seeming propensity for the owners of pickup trucks to act and drive like morons. So I'm being nit-picky but hey, I have an internet forum to spout off on so I will.
Harper, again with the hypocrisy.
It would appear that despite passing the so-called accountability act, Harper and his government have been appointing people to posts quickly as if to avoid the oversight the act will provide when it comes into force. It's just a little hypocritical to say that the appointment process needs to be transparent, enact legislation to do that and then avoid the effect of the legislation by rushing through appointments before the legislation takes effect.
Layton's big gamble
Jack Layton is apparently a gambling man. He's gambling that he can get what he want's from the Tories without alienating his own supporters. This gamble will pay off if three things happen. Failing to achieve this things will cost Layton and the NDP dearly at the polls, given that much of their support came from disgruntled Liberals who didn't want to vote Conservative.
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