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Welcome to Evilness Monday, March 31 2025 @ 07:55 MDT
Thursday, November 27 2014 @ 08:49 MST
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 8,875
 At this point it's probably safe to say serial libeller Ezra Levant has been ordered to pay $80000 to a lawyer Ezra called "illiberal Islamic fascist”. Now this wasn’t Ezra’s first time in front of a judge for libel, as he was ordered to pay $57000 in another libel case he lost.
Wednesday, November 26 2014 @ 07:37 MST
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 9,894
 She’s done… With two more of her legislative caucus leaving, this is only the latest hit to the Wildrose party under her leadership in recent months
Tuesday, November 11 2014 @ 12:43 MST
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 21,736
 Darling of the Canadian right wing, Ezra Levant, has sunk to an even new low. In Ontario a school board has responded to the legitimate concerns for the safety of their children at public Remembrance Day events, has reasonably allowed those parents to send their children to closed activities at the children’s schools. That this was to happen to accommodate those concerns is outlined in a letter from the school board.
Tuesday, October 28 2014 @ 06:03 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 7,762
 So the votes are in for the four Alberta provincial by-elections and the winners are, surprise, surprise, the Progressive Conservatives. This can only be seen as a big win for Jim Prentice who's unenviable task is to give the impression of clearing out over 40 years of Tory entitlement. Though not winners, the Alberta party and NDP who came in a strong second in two of the ridings so at the least weren’t losers either. The big losers, the Alberta Liberal party and the Wildrose Party.
Sunday, May 04 2014 @ 07:39 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 6,522
 Stephen Harper has announced a National Day of Honour. Supposedly this is to honour those who fought and fell in Afghanistan. From various media reports it appears to be just another opportunity for prime minister Photo Op to appear to support the military without actually doing anything substantive.
Saturday, March 15 2014 @ 04:58 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 3,699
 I occasionally get what can best be described as evangelical libertarians following me or engaging with me on Twitter. Their fervour for their ideology borders on the same level as that of evangelical Christians to the point of denying any evidence to the contrary their beliefs. One case in point is the provision of public goods. In this case things get very strange indeed sometimes.
Friday, October 04 2013 @ 12:58 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 18,434
 So on my drive to work this morning I was listening to CBC's Calgary Eyeopener when they interviewed Calgary Mayoral candidate Jon Lord. Now Jon's a former alderman and MLA and has the dubious honour of being a Conservative candidate who's lost an election to a Liberal in Alberta. Now Jon's running for mayor since, based on his interview, the city is too busy spending money on services for citizens and not enough time lowering his taxes.
Monday, August 19 2013 @ 06:48 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 41,878
 So our Maximum Leader Stephen Harper had decided to hit the reset switch on parliament again. This time, despite the crowing on the internet, the timing is similar to prorogations done by other PM's in the past. Yes some scandals are brewing, but proroguing Parliament isn't really going to detract from them.
Tuesday, April 30 2013 @ 03:46 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 3,511
 Somehow I ended up on the federal Conservative party's email list. I would consider this a massive fail of their vaunted CIMS system since I've been a card-carrying New Democrat for years, but it does provide insight into the party and they reek of desperation so what the heck. The emails started showing up shortly after the rather ham-fisted Trudeau attack ads started showing up and usually demand money to help keep Trudeau at bay. Yesterday I received a rather different one.
Tuesday, April 30 2013 @ 02:58 MDT
Contributed by: evilscientist
Views: 5,493
 The Harper Conservatives have recently announced minor changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program in response to some very public abuses of the program by banks and other large corporations. It would seem the Tories have discovered that Canadians displaced by TFWs still get to vote in elections, whereas the 330,000+ TFWs in the country don't. Of course business screamed at the prospect of a reduction in the stream of developing world cheap labour, which is comical given the situation.
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