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Welcome to Evilness P3 Screws Taxpayers Again
So much for the P3 concept saving taxpayers money. It would seem that the new Calgary Board of Education head office is going to cost taxpayers an arm and a leg. Now it comes to no surprise to those of us in the progressive blogosphere that the P3 concept was in no way going to save taxpayers money. I mean really, what kind of whackjob thinks that selling public land to a developer, paying that developer to build a building, then leasing that building from the developer only to have to purchase the building at the end would be cheaper than just having the public own the building in the first place.
Religion and leadership
This post over at Morton's Musings on if you care about the PM's religion had one commenter state that:
Beliefs about the age of the earth don't affect public policy. Disapproving of a candidate over this amounts to nothing more than "He believes something I think is silly, so I don't think he's wise enough to vote for". Of course that would apply to most candidates from religions you don't believe in. Now as I had replied to the original post, I really don't care what imaginary sky fairy the PM worships as long as he isn't trying to use legislation to force me to act in accordance to that religion. The comment above however needs to be looked at since believing in something that is obviously wrong is different from a belief in that which can't be proven. Smoky
The fires in BC near Williams Lake have caused it to be quite smoky here in Calgary. Sufficently smoky that the provincial health officer has suggested that those with breathing issues stay indoors. Leaving work today I noticed that it is sufficiently smoky to cause reddening of the Sun (see photo below). The light illuminating the ground is redder than normal due to the smoke.
Conservative true colours
An editorial from the Toronto Sun, a paper in a chain that is basically a mouthpiece for the Harper government run by a Harper staffer, gives a view into the darkness that exists in the conservative "brain". In it, the editors of the Sun suggest that the answer to refugees showing up in boat on our shores is to murder them at sea. It would seem that murder is only illegal if a non-conservative is doing the murdering.
Turning off voters... group at a time. It would seem that the Harper Tories, in it's continuing attempts to pay only lip service to "supporting the troops" is set to fire the veterans ombudsman for apparently doing his job.
Bad Idea...
... pointing a laser pointer at an aircraft.
Mind bogglingly bad idea: Pointing a laser pointer at the police helicopter. New poll here at Evilness
A new poll here at evilness asking what you think Harper's decision on the census long form really means. Click on the homepage link at the top of the page or go to and look in the right sidebar to vote.
Death of a thousand cuts
Slowly but surely various minor scandals, spending and policy blunders are slowly catching up with the Harper Tories. Over the summer, the Tories have sank again down towards their core of support under the weight of various ministerial mini-scandals, million dollar fake lakes, billion dollar security tabs, multi-billion dollar prison costs, elimination of the long-form census, etc. etc. It would seem that this is the Harper Tory Achilles heel, it certainly isn't the Liberal party, who pretty much need the Tories to sink to be neck and neck with them.
Age of the Universe
Over the past few weeks in my surfing the blogosphere, I've read several anti-creation posts over at sites such as Pharyngula and via Dave over at Galloping Beaver who twigged me on to a YouTube series on debunking creationism called Why do People Laught at Creationism. This has inspired me to present as a public service the evidence for a very old universe.
Those wacky proselytizers
So while driving through the Kootenays on my vacation today I passed through one of many small villages. This one stuck out in my mind as there were only two religious buildings apparent, one Mormon and one Jehovah's Witness. The question that immediately came to mind was: Do they spend all their time knocking on each other's doors trying to convert each other or do they just have a big town hall meeting for it?
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