Attempting to steal ballots - Really Stephen....
Now the reality of this situation is that the young Harper supporter in question is likely just another over zealous Harper Conservative party hack (and the antics this election seem to indicate that the Conservative Party is just filled with them) and not acting on the direct orders of Harper himself, though that wouldn't surprise me if Harper did. What has to happen now is that Harper, if he is truly a good leader, has to step up to the mic and denounce this action. The sad part is that he probably won't.
There are many reasons he probably won't denounce this act. Mainly Harper isn't in the business of denouncing loyal party supporters, regardless of what they've done (unless you're Helena Gurgis, who was likely punished because her husband embarrassed Harper by losing a seat in Alberta). Second it would be an admission that a Conservative has done something wrong, and Harper is incapable of doing that. The problem with rewarding loyalty in this manner or trying to look like you don't make mistakes is the optics of what it sends to the voter. By not denouncing the act, regardless of the reasons for not denouncing the act, gives the impression that Harper approves of the action. This furthers the impression that he is indeed attempting to set up a Conservative dictatorship with him as the dictator.
Basically this is just another indication that Harper and his supporters are attempting to set up a situation where they will be in power forever, regardless of what the voters say. Hopefully the voters of Guelph and the rest of Ontario wake up to this and send Harper the message that they don't want the dictatorship that Albertans want.