A view into the mind of Jason

Welcome to Evilness
Saturday, March 22 2025 @ 03:39 MDT

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The Trump Invasion

US PoliticsSo Donald Trump wants to take over Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal. Now the people who live in these places aren’t too keen on this (polling in Canada has at best 10% of Canadians wanting to be part of the US) so what is Trump going to do?
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Can Canadian Conservatives survive their own leaders?

Canadian PoliticsDuring the "freedom" convoy, Canadian conservative leaders such as Pierre Polievre were falling over themselves to not just show support for the protesters, but be seen with them in the press and social media. Now at the time Polievre was busy running for the leadership of the federal Conservative party and showing that boosted his anti-Trudeau street cred.

We saw the same play out in Alberta with Danielle Smith. Now based on her radio show, Smith was pretty much already in the protester's camp before running to replace Jason Kenney so it was easy for her to use those people to basically hijack the UCP from whatever moderate conservatives were left after Kenney's reign.
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So you're quoting The Rebel

Canadian PoliticsSeeing people quote Levant's Rebel as a news source is both amusing and scary. As a news source it's on the level of the Weekly World News. A little background.

I went to university with Ezra (whether or not he remembers this I don't know, but he blocked me on Twitter and I've never interacted with him once there). Even back then everyone knew that if he gave you the time of day you'd require independent verification of that. Heck it was funny as hell watching his own sister's eyes roll into the back of her head any time he opened his mouth.
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Pizza Dough

RecipesKipped this from the internet when I needed a bread machine pizza dough recipe. Tastes pretty good.
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Noachian flood and the physics of water.


There are many that believe that the Noachian flood in the Bible actually happened despite there being absolutely no geologic evidence of such a global catastrophe happening, not to mention several contemporary civilizations completely failing to a) mention the event and b) being wiped out by it. Of course there's another reason to discount this event as happening, and it comes from physics

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The CIA, Trump, Putin and Russian hackers.

US Politics

There is a possibility that the Russian government, through hackers, may have interfered with the US election, by which hacking into a DNC email server and then leaking the information to Wikileaks while also having hacked into an RNC email server and sitting on that information. This begs two questions, why would Putin and the Russian government want Trump as president, and does this compromise Trump and his administration from a security standpoint.

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How we know there's no counter-Earth hiding behind the Sun.


For centuries there has been speculation about another planet on the same orbit as the Earth, but hiding behind the Sun. Sometimes this is used as a plot device in science fiction or by some conspiracy theorist to explain something. The reality is we know there isn't a planet hiding behind the Sun and here's why:

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March 'em to the trains.

Canadian Politics

This is the story, the story of a boy who was born in Canada to parents who were naturalized citizens of Canada. A boy whose only citizenship and only country he ever new was Canada. A boy whose family had been Canada 30 years and a country he had lived in his entire 11 years. A boy whose citizenship was removed from him (making him stateless) for the crime of being the wrong race under the guise of security.

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What I do in science


Occasionally I get asked as to what I actually research in astronomy so I thought I'd create a post that explains what my current research project is about. First some generalities: my interests in astronomy are related to stellar evolution and galaxy interactions (these topics are generally unrelated, though galaxy mergers do set off a storm of star formation in disk (spiral) galaxies). Specifically I find how stars end their lives quite fascinating. Supernovae, black holes, pulsars/neutron stars, planetary nebulae and white dwarfs are all majorly cool in my world.

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Asteroids: why we should look for them and how we do it.


In the past few years the astronomical community has begun to expend a fair bit of resources in the search for asteroids. Apart from the curiosity aspect of looking for such objects, there is a real, practical reason to locate these things: an asteroid collision with the Earth.

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